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Jambo Welcome Song

The Jambo Song is now traditionally sung to welcome visitors to Tanzania and Kenya. Jambo is a Swahili word meaning hello and welcome. We have combined multiple field recordings I made in Tanzania to form the rollicking center piece this track. The Jambo song was sung to our group several times while there, we also learned it and I often played along on my djembé drum with various of our hosts. You will hear all of us singing the refrain. I wrote a lyrical song based on the Jambo sentiment, which forms the first part of this track. Mars and I did some of our usual soundscaping with more of my field recordings like hippos, plus atmospheric instrumentation. I am also happy to have John Fluker on background vocals and trading riffs with me. This song for me is an expression of welcome I feel from Tanzanian people but also from the spirit of Africa and the land itself. The deep welcoming people give us when we go is their genuine wish for our well-being. The people I’ve been privileged to meet and hang out with there are living good lives beyond some of the tragic things we see in the media regarding Africa, and despite a scarcity of resources in certain areas. I will be reaching out to you in coming months with opportunities to support some meaningful causes that help people in Kenya and Tanzania make good lives even better. Please enjoy, and, Jambo!